Our Stories

Story #9

Mornings are in slow motion but Iā€™ve lived a fast life.. I spend my time with the polish dancing group and choir… I am part of the Polish-Canadian Womenā€™s Federationā€¦Iā€™m …

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Story #8

I migrated to Canada when I was 64, a bit later in life than what is typical…I was forced to leaveā€¦it was tough, I was a civil engineer and economistā€¦but …

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Story #6

I didnā€™t used to think of privilege…I didnā€™t like the word privilege either because I worked hard, but I have realized thatā€™s not the point…itā€™s not that others didnā€™t work …

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Story #5

Iā€™m 71 and have been playing tennis for over 30 years…we arenā€™t going to be diving for the ball but we donā€™t give up…itā€™s competitive…at our games we donā€™t have …

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Story #4

One of my proudest moments…May, 2002….I got to play a solo…Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto…With the Dundas group.. now that was ‘nirvana’…Wait, actually…I am most proud of her…Despite everything…She just knuckles through…every …

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Iconic Ageing:Ā A Seniors of Canada Initiative

Under the Seniors of Canada: Hamilton umbrella, undergraduate students had the opportunity to take pictures and gather stories from iconic places and seniors in Hamilton. Through this initiative titled ā€˜Iconic Ageingā€™, a collaboration with Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University, Dr. James Gillett and his students went out and engaged, organize & documented the narratives from seniors at ‘iconic’ places in Hamilton, Ontario for his course on “Representations of Health and Illness Across the Lifecourse”.

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